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Surah Al-Qiyamah: The Resurrection – Listen & Download (MP3, PDF)

Surah Al-Qiyamah, also known as Surah Al-Qiyama, is the 75th chapter of the Holy Quran, comprising 40 verses. It is a Meccan surah, revealed during the early period of Prophet Muhammad’s mission in Mecca. The name “Al-Qiyamah” translates to “The Resurrection,” referring to the Day of Judgment and the resurrection of all beings for accountability before Allah. This surah emphasizes the themes of resurrection, accountability, and the power and mercy of Allah.


Themes and Messages of Surah Al-Qiyamah

Surah Al-Qiyamah covers several key themes:

  1. The Certainty of the Resurrection: The surah begins by affirming the certainty of the Day of Resurrection. It describes how people will be resurrected from their graves, and their deeds will be brought forth for judgment. This serves as a reminder of the inevitability of the Hereafter and the accountability that follows.

  2. The Creation and Recompense: Verses 3 to 4 emphasize Allah’s power and ability to create and recreate. The surah highlights how easily Allah will resurrect human beings after their death, just as He originally created them. It underscores the concept of recompense for deeds, with each person being held accountable for their actions.

  3. The Denial of the Resurrection: Verses 5 to 10 address the skepticism and denial of the disbelievers regarding the Day of Judgment. It challenges their perception of the impossibility of resurrection, emphasizing Allah’s ability to recreate and judge His creation. This serves as a warning to those who reject the signs of Allah and deny the reality of the Hereafter.

  4. The Fate of the Righteous and the Wicked: Verses 11 to 26 contrast the outcomes of the righteous and the wicked on the Day of Judgment. The righteous will be rewarded with gardens of bliss and the pleasure of Allah, while the wicked will face punishment in Hellfire for their disbelief and transgressions. This stark contrast serves as a moral lesson about the consequences of one’s actions and beliefs.

  5. The Role of the Quran: The surah concludes by affirming the Quran as a reminder and guidance for humanity. It emphasizes that its message is accessible and clear, guiding people to righteousness and warning them against evil. This underscores the importance of reflecting on the Quranic teachings and living a life in accordance with its principles.

Lessons for Contemporary Believers

Surah Al-Qiyamah offers timeless lessons for contemporary believers. It serves as a reminder of the certainty of the Day of Resurrection and the accountability that follows. The surah encourages believers to reflect on their actions and strive for righteousness, knowing that they will be rewarded or punished based on their deeds.

The contrast between the fate of the righteous and the wicked serves as a motivation for believers to adhere to the teachings of Islam and avoid actions that lead to disobedience and disbelief. It also highlights the mercy of Allah, who provides guidance through the Quran to help humanity navigate life’s challenges and prepare for the Hereafter.


Surah Al-Qiyamah is a profound chapter that emphasizes themes of resurrection, accountability, and the power of Allah. Its vivid descriptions and warnings serve to remind believers of the consequences of their actions and beliefs, while also offering hope and encouragement to those who strive for righteousness. By contemplating the themes of this surah, believers can deepen their faith and commitment to living a life that is pleasing to Allah.

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